Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite - Origination Product Guide
Send Email to Notification Group

Within Rules Management, administrators have the ability to author business rules that send emails to members of a notification group when a new comment is added to an application. Using the Send Email to Notification Group action template, rule authors are able to identify the email templates which are transmitted when a comment is added, as well as the notification groups that receive the email.

The "From" email address is derived from the Lending Email Address configured within System Management > Administrative Settings.

To begin authoring this type of rule, navigate to System Management > Origination > Rules Management and click  to open Rules Manager. Create a new rule using the EventProcessing category.

Within the If Statement, define the conditions which must be met in order for an email to be sent to a notification group. For example: 

When authoring the Then Statement, select the "send email to notification group" action template. Upon selecting this template, the following vocabulary populates: "send <select template> email to the <notification group>."

The example below provides a demonstration of a rule that transmits emails to specific notification groups based on the application status and requested amount.



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